Senior Director of Philanthropy, WSU - School of Law
For most of us, searching for personal fulfillment is a lifetime of exploration. There are those who are fortunate to find that fulfillment early on and others find the discovery process a longer journey. Although Rob had achieved skills that would serve him well in his future life, as an attorney and financial advisor, there was something missing. A friend suggested he might want to consider fundraising as a career. Rob didn’t know fundraising was a possible career choice but, during an informational interview with the DIA he was impacted by the passion of others.
Upon entering the field Rob was confident that his skill set of law and financial planning would be all he needed to be successful. He quickly learned three very significant insights. Creating and building relationships are far more important than technical skills. While creating and building those relationships, listening will take you further with relationships than talking and if your passion, or lack thereof, is present, your donors will clearly see either.
Before starting with his first non-profit, he sought out the advice of recognized experts in the industry. He wanted to affiliate with an organization that would help him to increase his knowledge and assist him in becoming a better fundraiser. The PGRTSEM was suggested to him. He joined and has found a professional organization offering exceptionally important continuing education monthly programs.
Rob is surrounded by and has access to important information about the changing world of philanthropy. He also has important interaction with professional colleagues where he at once receives creative insights on planned giving issues while at the same time sharing his wealth of knowledge of the law and advising. It is a win-win for the organization and for Rob.
His favorite quote is by Theodore Roosevelt: “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”
In his personal life, Rob’s passion is family, outdoor activities; biking – mountain and road, skiing and time with friends. He feels fortunate to have three adult children that enjoy spending time with their parents.
From the beginning of Rob’s involvement with philanthropy he was driven by feelings of personal satisfaction and accomplishment in assisting and enabling a donor to achieve their goals and dreams of immortality through paying it forward.
The latest book Rob has read is “Major Taylor” by Conrad Kerber and Terry Kerber. The story of a black cyclist in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Wonderful history of bicycles, industry, and racism.
Rob states his core values in life are: Respect, Integrity and Courage.
Rob’s philosophy for life is “To Live Every Day To The Fullest”
His favorite historical figure is Abraham Lincoln- who had a strong moral compass and continued to be guided by it, no matter the obstacles.
Article credit to: William Winkler